Sunday, July 30, 2017

What Happened?

She is a whisper in his ear.  He is a sparkle in her eye.
They tried, but it was too much work.
She failed to notice.
He failed to see.
She cried.
He sighed.
It died.

Poem and photo by MJC

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Tanka # 13 Departure

He is gone today.
Not debated, just soft thoughts,
Due to volition,
No time left for a goodbye,
Exited from pain, suffering. 

Grateful for his presence, here.
Loved by his family and friends.

Poem and photo by MJC

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tanka # 12 Portland Public Transport

Solar powered bike
Brightly trending arrival
Rented for a song.
Future transport cheers us on
Ancient two-wheel comes of age.

Photo of Biketown rental and poem by MJC

Monday, July 24, 2017

Tanka # 11 Stormy Weather

Ominous forebode,
Gridlock galore, but for blame.
Devious lying,
Allude to our Pol Potus.
Selfish moves are unabashed.

Poem and drawing by MJC

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Tanka 10. Oregon Coast

Huge free space hovers
Over water fierce and strong
We touch beach sand toes
Stillness but for shrieking birds
Stunned by this beauty, soft hue

Watercolor and poem by MJC

Monday, July 17, 2017

Tanka #9 Children

Art with children, joy
Messes galore face and hands
Color everywhere
What can we create better
Than wholesome chaos, yahoo!

Painting by Anna Chamie, Poem by MJC

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Tanka #8 Goodbye My Friend

A friend wrote goodbye
I replied sorrow, thanks, love, 
Must say past slowly
Only days to make happen
What should have taken decades.

Watercolor painting and poem by MJC

Friday, July 14, 2017

Tanka # 7. Oops

Just lost an option,
Took another one instead.
How did it happen?
Fiddled and connived madly
Oh to confront flub, ye gads.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Tanka # 6 Aspirations

She climbs up grinning
Accomplished, driven, so bright.
What chance have they, those 
Little ones who perch on bars, 
To play with friends peacefully?

Oil painting and poem by MJC

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tanka # 5. Entangled

Untangling web of
politics damned sad scowling
Disdain thoughts dug in
Run to nowhere fast slow down
Silly dangerous clown ugh bah

Poem and sketch by MJC